Friday, September 2, 2011


I am not sure what we are thinking, but my sister April and I have been training to run a marathon in San Francisco in October.  We have both dealt with injuries and triumphed over a good long run, that surprisingly did not kill us.  It has been an awesome journey to go through with her.  Even though we are 4 hours away from each other, we talk almost daily to help encourage and push the other to not get discouraged.  Anytime we happen to get together, we make it a point to go out for a run together.  We are so excited to get this marathon under our belts, and hope to be excited for our next "running" journey together. 

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Good luck Amber! Sounds like fun (not the marathon part) but being in San Francisco does!

Candice leaves a few hours from there. Maybe she can come cheer you on!