My dear Hayley and I fight every single day when it is time to comb her hair. She gets mad, she cries, the more she cries, the harder I pull. I had had it. I kept threatening her that we were going to go get it cut, and she always refused. Well, I think she finally had had it as well, because she finally agreed. So, we ran down the road to my friend who cuts hair today, and this is what we came home with...

I absolutely love it. I just can't believe how old she looks now. She has always had such beautiful hair, and she will always. I guess it was a good thing, because she loves it too. Now Mattie is dying for hers to be cut too. She is going to have to do a lot of convincing to her parents I think.
She doesn't even look the same!! It's so cute though!!!
So So Cute!
You and I must think alike....Mallory's is getting cut off tomorrow! I am tired of the daily battle too.
Hayley your hair is adorable!!! I love it and you must have been so brave. Your hair was beautiful and I think I would have been to scared to get mine cut, but it is darling. Now you are already for Santa Clause...I home he will recognize you.
I love, love, love it! :) I'm always amazed how well it goes when we've given in and cut the girls' hair when it's been long. Always cute and WAY easier to comb! :)
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