So, I can proudly say that I am not just a High School Graduate anymore. I have officially finished and passed the CNA course. Yes, it was only 4 months long, but I have discovered that to do anything, big or small with kids around is a little more difficult. I am so grateful to Spence for giving me the little push to go to school. I really did enjoy it, and I am looking forward to start again this next summer.
So, if anyone needs a blood pressure taken, sheets changed, or any other of the dirty work items that nurses don't want to do, let me know. :)
Congrats! That is great!
Congrats! I'm so proud of you. I'm sure it was easy with 4 little yahoos running around all the time. We love you!
Yah!!Are you going on to be a nurse?
Wahoo!! Very cool! I'm so proud. :) I miss you and Spencie! Tell him howdy for me.
Congrats!!! I wish I could be done now too.
Hey Amber...Way to Go!!! Does the laundry come along with the sheet changing? You may be hired!!!
Way to go Amber! How long will the next step take? Nursing is a really good field to be in. Good job!
Way to go girl!!
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